Monday, April 03, 2006

Cultivating prayer--and a prayer for you.

Dear friends, today I recieved an email with the prayer of St. Theresa. It gave me the idea that I could send out my own prayer along with hers in the forward. I believe prayer is very important and that it makes a difference. I am trying to cultivate a life of prayer. Sometimes I fold my hands wherever I am almost as a prayer in itself. It helps me to think of it as a prayer about the details that fill my head while I am trying to listen to lectures. Then I can let go of my worries and let the Spirit pray while I listen to the class. I even sometimes consider my doodles as prayers but I don't worry about the meaning. It feels like a way the Spirit prays through me, for He knows the mind of God. So here is a prayer for you: Dear Lord, I pray for my friends and any readers of this blog. Encourage their hearts. Create in them more hunger for you and then satisfy them Lord. Help them to know what a special and unique person they are. Help them live the life they were created for--to give glory to You. Lord whisper to them Your words of life, grace, truth, and love. Help them to hear. God You are so good, glorify Your name. AMEN. Do not forget that God loves you!!!

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