Monday, February 08, 2016

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

As its the Chinese new year today, I did just a little research on "year of the monkey."  I came across an article explaining some history of the "Monkey" deity.  One of the sayings connected to this deity is "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."  This saying has negative and positive connotations depending on how you hear it.

Knowing that this phrase "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" means different things to different people, I suggest a positive meaning for myself and those like me who struggle with self conscious feelings and beliefs that people are constantly judging our actions.  Some of us have a hidden "audience" inside our heads that can even carry out to an outer "audience" where bits of things heard from others become whole phrases of indictment against us.

See no evil---

Not seeing.  Blind.  "Seeing" evil refers to our own tendencies to "see"  the bad in others--this tempting us to criticize, judge, and gossip.  I for one have been guilty of relishing juicy bits of gossip--it gives me a feeling of pride because of course I "am not like that" and so and so deserves this or that.  "Seeing no evil" means that we are blind to the faults of others.  If we notice we graciously do not hold it against them.  Ever heard the phrase, "Love is blind?"

Hear no evil--

This phrase is not just about refusing to listen to gossip, its also about not "hearing" others gossip about us.  This has special meaning to me this new year, because last year I became aware that my brain desired to hear words of rejection and disapproval all the time--and often it would finish bits and pieces of sentences I heard  as negative about me.  If I was feeling positive, I heard a lot of enthusiasm from others (about me I thought).  Those days my actions and words were confident. Sometimes negative words also motivated me to be better and "prove them wrong."  By the end of the year and after much discussion with my husband and self observation, I realized my brain was making most if not all of it up.    Then again even if some of the words and rumors are real, it is not worth my wasting energy on it or taking words said personally.  Remember the scriptures that say, Love is "believing the best?"

Speak no evil--

Some of us are passive-aggressive in our anger...  I myself also have this tendency.  Passivity in our aggression means that we hold grudges in our heart about past grievances that resurface in current arguments but especially it shows up in our conversations with others.  We say bad things about the other, even subtly, out of bitterness.  "Speak no evil" means we check ourselves before throwing bad light on the other in public or with our friends and acquaintances.  It also means recognizing that bitterness and having an honest, enlightening conversation with the other, and avoiding the blame game.  The proverbial saying here is "Love is not provoked" and "love keeps no record of wrongs."

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Happy Chinese New Year!

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