Preaching and encouraging the pastors in the rural areas in and around Mombassa was our main purpose on our mission trip to Kenya. One day we divided up and it happened that I was the only one going with our leader, Mark Tubbs. I really wanted to preach that day, and I think I had let that known. However I had no idea what was in store for me and that church. Had I known that I would be preaching and ministering for about 3 hours while Mark Tubbs was off preaching at other churches, I might have freaked myself out.
However during Mark's sermon, I diligently took notes and possible sermon outlines down in case I was allowed to preach afterward. Little did I know, Mark had to leave but he offered to let me stay to preach while he was gone. Having no idea how long that would be and being by myself, yet trusting Mark, I said, "Sure." Testifying to God's goodness during suffering, reading poetry I had written during hard times, and exhorting congregants to love each other, I preached and ministered until my leader got back 2-3 hours later. I lost track of time because it was such a blast to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. It was my first time preaching longer than 30 minutes (even with an interpreter). My only material was my journal of testimony, notes, and poetry I had written.
At one point I called for all the children to come in and be blessed. I put my hand on each child and prayed a blessing over them. Then a little later I took a break to go to the bathroom and came back. Everyone was singing and dancing, so I joined in. Then I came back to the front and preached some more. I had no idea when I would stop preaching because I had no idea when Mark Tubbs was coming back.
Then as I was about to keep preaching, the leader alerted me to wrap it up and call for an altar call. So I invited people to come forward, and they asked for prayer for healing of many things. I had no idea they were going to do this, so I prayed in the manner Gabe said he did in one of his sermons. People were healed! An older lady came forth to pray for healing of some pain, and she was blind, so I offered to pray for her blindness after I prayed for her other illnesses. She agreed, so I prayed, and then she was healed! I even tested her to make sure. Her eyes looked clearer as well. Praise be and glory to God! I was the most amazed of anyone there. Everyone else seemed to take the healings as normal!
At a goodbye dinner for our team, I collected emails and gave away my email to several pastors... In this way, Pastor Okumu found me on facebook, and I have been blessed ever since to have his friendship and encouragement. I now consider him my pastor from Kenya. He is the only one from overseas I can consider my pastor.
My trip to Kenya was in April of 2010, and I have been communicating with Pastor Okumu ever since. He offers friendship, prayers, prophetic declarations, and encouragement to me. I have been praying and reflecting on how and when to help Pastor Okumu, and I determined to get busy this year supporting him.
So in managing his page, I noticed he and his wife run a school for those who can afford to pay very little for education. They also teach Christianity and values. I began inquiring their needs and what they teach and intend to do with their school. I was very impressed at the teachers who will work although payments are either delayed or not forthcoming because of lack. Also, I found out that school was just starting for them and their classrooms needed to be prepared for the rainy season. So funds are urgently needed. Please pray and reflect quickly on how you can help my brother in Kenya, Pastor Okumu. You can support his school through my campaign at Thank you for your help and prayers!